Friday, March 22, 2013

At Science Fair!

Finally at science fair! It is extremely crowded. I am so nervous! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Science Fair Prep!

After waiting for two hours in line, I finally made it into my booth for science fair!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1. The ESLR that I have excelled in most for my senior project would be Effective Learner.
2. To excel in this ESLR as a senior, you have to take responsibility for your own learning. I have excelled in this ESLR because of taking a college class that is extremely demanding of time and requires a lot of brain power. I took this college class not only to just fill out my independent component hours but to really educate myself about something that is a main aspect of my senior topic. By taking this class, I am also able to educate myself about lifestyle and diet choices that can affect my health. Therefore, I am taking responsibility of my own learning.  
3. Here is a link to a PDF that was a part of our latest assignment. We had to track our diet and input into this diet analysis program where it would analyze what vitamins or certain aspects of our diet we were missing compared to what we should be having.