Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Problem Statement

1. What is your senior project topic? 
Pharmacy is my senior project topic.

2. What are two problems with your topic? What will you do when you solve each problem?
One problem with pharmacy is internet pharmacy. The problem with internet pharmacy is that some pharmacists sell prescription drugs without a prescription as well as patients going to these pharmacies to get drugs that doctors are not willing to prescribe to them. This type of pharmacy has been deemed "potentially dangerous" because of the fact that patients especially younger ones can obtain medication that is not prescribed to them.
I believe internet pharmacy can really be a major part of pharmacy because technology is so prevalent in our society. Therefore, when I solve the problem of internet pharmacy, I plan to introduce the concept to my present mentor and see if she can implement it into her pharmacy. If I ever own my own pharmacy or when I work in a pharmacy in the future, I will definitely present internet pharmacy as an option that can be convenient for patients and bring in more revenue.
Another problem is not enough integration of pharmacy care with patient care. One study showed that by a hospital integrating a "patient centered integrated model of pharmacy practice" they reduced readmission rates of patients with heart failure.
I really love the idea of being in clinical pharmacy. Clinical pharmacy mostly revolves anything to do with the patient. I really love helping people and what better way to help them by prescribing something that will make them feel better. I believe that by knowing why and how important it is to integrate more patient centered pharmacy care I will be able to decide where I would want to work for the pharmacy field and be able to help more people effectively. 

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